Civil War Library

Original Union and Confederate Books, Manuscripts and Photographs

Updated May 31, 2020



The purpose of this website is to increase knowledge and understanding of the American Civil War, 1861-1865, and its aftermath. This website will provide original books, articles, photographs and other research materials on the American Civil War.  The material will be available free of charge and will be fully searchable and downloadable.  All of this material is out of copyright, and is freely available.

We will be making books available on both the Union and Confederate Armies.

This website is being made available by the family and descendants of General Henry Warner Slocum, who served with distinction throughout the Civil War.

Please feel free to share this material with fellow researchers and those interested in the American Civil War.

We will be continually adding materials to this website. If there are books or materials that are out of copyright that you would like to see included in this collection, we would be happy to try to add them. If you have research materials you would like us to include, please contact us.

We'd like to hear from you! Contact us at

What's New?

Eric Saul, the editor of this website, has recently produced a new website, the Civil War Encyclopedia. The purpose of this site is to provide those interested in the American Civil War with an extensive body of historic reference works on the war. It deals with all aspects of the Civil War, including the political and social history of the war. The central part of this website is an exhaustive, encyclopedic reference document on the Civil War. This includes biographies of soldiers, political leaders, inventors, financiers, and others involved in the war effort. It also includes a list of all of the Civil War battles, arranged chronologically. Also included are military terms and concepts. Other documents will include citations from Union and Confederate Army and Navy regulations and the Articles of War.  Saul also compiled an Encyclopedia of Civil War Biography, which can be viewed on his website It is a comprehensive list of notable Americans from the mid-19th Century. This constitutes a who's who of America in politics, science, industry, and the arts. These individuals represented both sides of the argument over slavery in the United States. Also included is an extensive list of military and naval officers on both sides of the conflict. For those interested in military and naval officers, Union and Confederate, we have compiled an edited version with just entries of those military personnel involved in the Civil War: Encyclopedia of Civil War Military Biography. In addition, this list contains names of prominent Union and Confederate medial officers and personnel.  There are also prominent members of Civil War relief agencies, such as the Sanitary and Christian Commissions.  These entries were drawn from the 1886-1889 edition of Appletons' Cyclopaedia of American Biography (6 volumes). There are more than 3,000 individuals in these Encyclopedias.